- 1000 Life Hacks
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- 🏨 Cheap Luxury Spas
🏨 Cheap Luxury Spas
ALSO: Doggie Sign Language

Good morning life hackers,
This is 1000 Life Hacks, the daily newsletter that helps you improve your life each and every day… even if that’s just a little bit. 🥳
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!" — Anne Frank
Here’s what’s on the menu today:
🏨 Cheap Luxury Spas
🐶 Doggie Sign Language
🥗 Sticking To Your Diet
💻 5 Helpful links
🎁 Bonus hack!
Read time: 2 minutes
Want a luxury spa day without the expensive price tag? Go to a hotel spa. Most high end hotels sell day passes that give you access to swimming pool/hot tub, lounge room, fitness centre, steam room/sauna and cheap massages.
Did you know dogs can learn visual commands that go along with voice commands. Adding in a hand signal when you say “sit” can not only help them learn quicker, but if your dog ever loses its vision or hearing you will still be able to communicate with them.
Trying to lose weight? Stop saying you’re on a diet. This implies that be be OFF the diet at a later stage. Instead, say you’re going through a lifestyle change. This is a much more sticky statement.
Are You Mentally Strong? 6 Subtle Signs You Have STRONG Mental Health (Even If You Don't Think So) (LINK)
Planting Pairs. 14 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together—Gardening Experts Explain Why. (LINK)
Double Big Mac. McDonald's Is Resurrecting Its Double Big Mac.(LINK)
101 Fitness Tips. 101 Fitness Tips That Work (From a Personal Trainer!) (LINK)
20 Kitchen Musts. Take Your Meals to the Next Level with These Must-Know Cooking Tips. (LINK)
More links tomorrow!

That’s all for today. I hope your day is at least just a little bit better after reading.
If you have any life hacks you think we should include in our next newsletter send us a DM on Twitter: @1000lifehacks or Instagram: @lifehack.ers
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