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👂 Why Yelling at Grandma Won't Work—And What Actually Will!

ALSO: Find the Perfect Camera, Un-Shrunk Your Favourite Shirt, And More

GM Life Hackers,

Ready to supercharge your day? You've come to the right place! Every weekday, I’ll drop 3 quick and powerful life hacks in your inbox—simple tricks to make your day smoother, smarter, and more fun.

BUT… If you’re only going to read one thing today make it this:

What you’ll learn today: 

  1. Why Yelling at Grandma Won't Work

  2. Find the Perfect Camera

  3. Un-Shrunk Your Favourite Shirt

  4. Pic Of The Day

Find the Perfect Camera with Real-World Results!

Thinking of buying a camera but overwhelmed by all the tech jargon and specs?

Head over to Flickr.com/Cameras. This hidden gem lets you browse real photos taken with specific camera models, so you can see exactly what each device is capable of before you buy.

It’s like test-driving a car, but for your photography game. Skip the marketing fluff and see what your future shots could look like!

Why Yelling at Grandma Won't Work—And What Actually Will!

When talking to an elderly person who’s hard of hearing, resist the urge to crank up the volume. Instead, lower your pitch.

Science time: As we age, the tiny hair cells in our inner ear that detect high-frequency sounds are usually the first to deteriorate.

So shouting louder in your usual pitch doesn’t help—but speaking in a deeper, lower tone does.

Shrunk Your Favorite Shirt? Here’s a Hair-Raising Hack to Fix It!

Oops! That perfect shirt you loved just became doll-sized after one laundry cycle.

Don’t panic. Grab a bowl, fill it with ice water, and add a cup of hair conditioner.

Why this works: Hair conditioner relaxes the fabric fibers the same way it softens hair, allowing you to gently stretch the shirt back to its original size.

It’s basically a fabric spa day—and your wardrobe will thank you.

Pic Of The Day

That’s all for today. Thanks for reading!


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